Qhaled is a young person involved with VOYPIC. He has recently moved to Northern Ireland, loves the community feel of VOYPIC, and really likes learning English with fellow young people from other countries.
How did VOYPIC impact on your experience of care?
It is good. I like it here. It’s perfect.
How was the transition to adulthood helped by VOYPIC?
My Youth Rights Worker supports me. I wanted something in my house so she helped me get things to my house. She helped me socially. And I like it here.
What do you hope VOYPIC will do for young people with experience of care in the future?
I think it’s good that when someone comes here, they can get help if they want.
If you had to describe VOYPIC in one word, what would it be?
I like learning English. Some people come here, and we learn from each other. So that’s good for me.