Welcome to Voypic!

We are the charity for children and young people with a lived experience of care in Northern Ireland.

Here you will find information on our services and support for children and young people in care. You can also find out more about your rights in and moving through care and how you can get involved in our programmes and campaigns.

You can count on us to help you speak up and be heard. That’s what our name means;  we are the 

Voice of Young People in Care.

This is your place – and your voice!

Your Place

Everything we do is focused on you and your needs as a young person in care. Our work can be divided into three key areas.

Your Rights

There are lots of reasons why children and young people come into care; no one story is the same, and each person’s experience in care is different too.

Your Voice

We’re always working on ways to ensure that the voice of young people in care is heard loud and clear!

Get Support

VOYPIC supports young people in and leaving care in Northern Ireland. We deliver the Independent Advocacy Service, as well as a range of programmes that bring young people together.

If you would like support from VOYPIC, or would like to request support for a young person you work with, click the button below.

Support Us

Working together with children and young adults  to put their rights and voice at the heart of decisions affecting their lives. We want every child in to feel safe, valued and loved, and for every young person leaving care to do so with dignity and respect, and thrive into adulthood.
We need your help to make this happen.

Get Support

We’re always working on ways to ensure that the voice of young people
in care is heard loud and clear! You can contact us via email or phone
one of our offices in Ballymena, Belfast, Derry-Londonderry or Lurgan.

Support Us

Our mission is to promote the rights and voice of children in care and care leavers. We want every child in care to have a safe, stable, and positive experience of care, and to be involved in decisions about their life.
We need your help to make this happen.

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