VOYPIC30 – Asher

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Asher is a young person involved with VOYPIC. She wholeheartedly believes in the truth that you are not alone and loves the freedom that VOYPIC gives her. 

How did VOYPIC impact on your experience of care?

VOYPIC gave me a safe space where I could just be myself. And nobody would judge me for the way that I acted, like an eejit.

How was the transition to adulthood helped by VOYPIC?

Honestly, it was less scary. I was terrified to become 18 and now I am 18 and I’m not as scared as I was.

What advice would you give to another young person in care?

You’re not alone. You’ll always have somebody there that’ll look out for you. Especially in VOYPIC.

What do you hope VOYPIC will do for young people with experience of care in the future?

Support them and make sure that they know it’s not as bad as it seems and it’s not as scary as it seems.

If you had to describe VOYPIC in one word, what would it be?


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