Children’s rights charity, Voice of Young People in Care (VOYPIC), celebrates sixth annual Care Day
VOYPIC, alongside four other children’s rights charities around the UK and Ireland, is hosting a day-long event of fun online activities as part of Care Day 21.
Care Day this year will be slightly different as in previous years as it swaps reality for virtual activities all of which will have the underlying theme of uniting the care experienced community, at a time when we cannot all be together.
Among the online events will be poetry readings from around the UK, a live drumming event, an interactive performance by Belfast Circus School, a virtual choir and a joint activities and movie virtual party for young people in care across the UK and Ireland.
Speaking about the event this year, Alicia Toal, chief executive, VOYPIC said: “I want to wish every child, young person and adult with a care experience all the very best for Care Day.
“Care Day is the world’s biggest acknowledgement and celebration of children and young people with lived experience of care. It’s a day to celebrate their resilience and their rights.
“So, from everyone at VOYPIC, Happy Care Day!”
For the full programme of event, visit
Notes to Editors:
VOYPIC’s work is made possible by funding from, amongst others, the Department of Health, the National Lottery Community Fund, the Health and Social Care Board, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, the Esmee Fairburn Foundation and Children in Need.
Statistics for care leavers in Northern Ireland (at 31 March 2020 – the most recent statistics from the Department of Health):
293 young people aged 16 to 18 years old
216 young people aged 19 years old
Statistics for children in care in Northern Ireland (at 31 March 2020 – the most recent statistics from the Department of Health):
Number of children in care: 3281
Proportion in foster care: 79%
Proportion in residential children’s homes: 4%
Number in each Trust area:
Belfast: 824
Northern: 663
South Eastern: 587
Southern: 560
Western: 647
Age distribution:
Under 1: 4%
1 – 4 years old: 19%
5 – 11 years old: 36%
12 – 15 years old: 26%
16 years old and over: 16%