For almost 30 years, the voice of children and young people has been at the core of VOYPIC.
It’s not just what we do, it’s who we are- the Voice of Young People in Care.
Today, we’re inviting you to join us, at the heart of the organisation, to say:
My Place, My Voice, MyVOYPIC
What is MyVOYPIC?

MyVOYPIC is our new scheme, specially designed to connect young people with lived experience of care across Northern Ireland.
MyVOYPIC members get special perks, like being the first to hear about VOYPIC activities and opportunities, access to local and regional meet-ups, and involvement in campaigning and action days across the region.
You also get a gift for joining and you will receive a birthday card each year when we release our Birthday Bank in October.
Over time, MyVOYPIC will grow, becoming a place for young people in care, the wider care experienced community and those who support others with care experience to connect and interact.
For now, only the Core Level is open to join- that’s for anyone in or from Northern Ireland, up to 25 years old, with lived experience of care.
And, you will be part of the team that decides the future development of MyVOYPIC, growing it into a special place for the care experienced community in Northern Ireland

Meet Brenda, the MyVOYPIC Project Worker.
As a care experienced adult, who has worked with VOYPIC for over five years, Brenda is really excited to be working on our great new opportunity for children and young people with experience of care across Northern Ireland.
If you have any questions about the project, or you need any more information, you can contact Brenda for help.
Her email address is brenda.kilpatrick@voypic.org and her telephone number is 07592375685. Send her an email, a text or give her a call with any questions.

MyVOYPIC is made possible thanks to funding from the Act for Change Fund.