MyVOYPIC NEWS - August 23
Welcome to MyVOYPIC News!
Hi everyone
We hope you all enjoyed the first MyVOYPIC news last month and found it useful. If there’s something you want to put in the next MyVOYPIC News, just get in touch.
July was a very busy month with the summer schemes in each area, some of which are continuing for the next few weeks.
For all the info on what’s on for the last few weeks of August and how to book places – Click here!
As always, if you have any queries or need more information on anything in the Newsletter, please just give me a shout, either by email at brenda.kilpatrick@voypic.org or call/text me on 07854 255 554

Belfast Pride – Thank you!
We had a brilliant day at Belfast Pride! Huge THANK YOU to everyone that came along to represent VOYPIC, and to celebrate Pride with us and our colleagues and young people from Include Youth.
We really enjoyed the breakfast and chats in 100GPS before we set off and had great craic singing and dancing our way around the streets of Belfast.
We are already looking forward to next year.
Data Research Advisers Group.
We have a fantastic opportunity for a limited number of young people to join this group. We are holding an information session at our next meeting, on Tuesday 12 September at 5pm at Queen’s main building.
Some words below from Rhianna Brown, VOYPIC Young Rep and Data Research Adviser about the Group.
“As Data Advisers we have regular workshops to look at how our data is used, and we decide what research questions we can ask to try and make things better for young people in the future. I only went along to the first workshop because VOYPIC staff persuaded me to! But it turned out to be a good thing to get involved in. I’ve enjoyed learning new things about research and how to use administrative data to try and make things better for children and young people, and help with their mental wellbeing.” Click here to read Rhianna’s blog in full

VOYPIC Young Reps
We are delighted to be able to offer you the chance to become a Young Rep. Young Reps are the youth leaders of VOYPIC and help decide what we do.
Closing for this year’s applications will be Friday 15 September at 5pm. We will hold the introduction for successful applicants on Saturday 30 September in 100GPS.
More information on what a Young Rep is, as well as how you can apply can be found by going to www.voypic.org/youngreps
Belfast Area Opportunity
Are you between 16 – 24 and living in the Belfast area?
Have a look at this opportunity and as always if you need any support please get in touch.

Thanks for reading our first MyVOYPIC News!
If you have something you’d like to share with other members of MyVOYPIC, just get in touch. Remember, you can get me on 07854255554 or email brenda.kilpatrick@voypic.org.
Have a great summer!